Here is the chicken...
and this 60s woven bedspread was used in patches of fire and ice, a super list curated by Hagarae, who has a brilliant jewelry shop in Israel. Both worth checking out.
Monteverde is also home to Casem... started in 1982, a homegrown womens artisans co opereative. I have been buying gifts there for many years, but this time, nothing caught my eye and I feel they have 'gone off the boil' in recent times. Perhaps its because they are consciously making for the tourist market.
here in the cloud forest I am still plugged into etsy.
Two very interesting and unusual treasuries have featured some of my items this week
A vintage 40s silk scarf was used in She's a natural beauty was put together by LauraGlassArtQuilts. She has a lovely etsy craft shop, original and very pretty.

Such a refreshing change to see pics of people in summer clothes! It`s chaos and depressing here!