Early last week I sold one of my favorite quilts on line. A 19th century Jacobs ladder, pieced in rich tones of cinnamon, Turkey red, black and white, gray. Muted, yet almost glowing. A stunning red striped back.
R went to look for for it. I usually keep 19th century in my 3rd floor cedar closet, but I was not too sure as JL (as I call it) had been out to several shows last summer, always good to have on hand as a reference.
R, who is pretty good after all these years of living with vintage textiles looked and looked...he even went to the main warehouse, actually the garage and still banked up with snow. No deal.
The quilt had been paid for...whats to do? as I am still semi-immobile.
I asked my student helper to come over, she was only free late Friday.

Friday morning my lovely Irish nurse came, suggested I prayed to
St Antony, she skyped her mam in Ireland for extra help.
My physiotherapist, an athletic young woman from the Philippines arrived at noon, she assured me she prayed to
St Antony all the time, inspected the narrow 3rd floor stairs and coached me on how to ascend and descend.
My student, Claudia Puchinele (no prizes for guessing her background) rolled her eyes and muttered it was most likely what her nonni would do. With help, we got to the bursting at the seams cupboard.
and guess what? after about 25 minutes the missing quilt finally emerged from under a big plastic bags of vintage evening bags!!!
St Antony is my new hero....I might even convert.
I will miss JL...now winging its way to Germany
I was lucky to be features in this fabulous treasury put together by
Lois, who is one of my must read blogging buddies. She has exquisite taste, even though she does eat deep fried Mars bars.