Going through my somewhat vast stash of antique quilts that obviously would never sell, the mending or restoring is a bit too much and they would be better off unpicked and recycled. A couple of weeks ago I came up with
Yesterday I tackled a 1930s tied quilt that was damaged on the front, the batt had shifted and it was quite lumpy. Ended up with the back, which is 4
printed feedsacks sewn together which should launder nicely. The hand sewn top will be put aside for now, perhaps I can get a 'lot' together to sell in my
etsy shop
This morning I started on a 19th century piece that had been backed and edged with very heavy 20s 30s upholstery rayon? fabric. The top is stained, I hesitate to wash it because of the rayon (besides, I can hardly lift it) but perhaps the indigo and turkey red cotton will come up. I shall try soaking the upholstery fabric separately .
What have we here? It seems to be stuffed with old (30s 40s?) shirts... very dirty too. I'll let you know what else I find.
next up, a 19th century 'tumbling blocks' quilt with two gaping holes and a nice 'mourning print' back.
It should yield some interesting fabric......

and give a me a bit more room on the shelves.