04 September 2013


Its been a while since I did a market day post.

Last Saturday at the Brickworks was not wonderful financially, long weekends seldom are,  but I managed to enjoy myself nevertheless.

As usual, quilts were hung about the industrial scaffolding.....

 I  took along some mid century barkcloth remnants


and a pile of vintage picnic blankets

Finally got to meet Emily Foden,who showed me a most beautiful shawl she had designed, knitted and dyed the Yarn! It is divine and it will be published on Ravelry in due course.


  1. I'm pretty sure one of my grandmothers once did a quilt very similar to the embroidered morning glory one you have. Wish I had been lucky enough to inherit some of their quilts - I got one (which was really my least favourite of any either of them did...pure luck of the draw). I suspect a lot of their creations ended up being thrown into the nearest thrift store (or...horrors...simply thrown out).

  2. I have had that morning glory motif in another quilt a few years back....must have been or printed transfer,or in a magazine or newspaper.


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