The first week at our summer cabin in the Georgian Bay of Lake Huron. I was going to show you the thick fog I woke up to....and the stumps of 6 choke cherry trees the bloody beaver took down over the winter ( Canada's national animal!!)...and the 1940s quilt I have been mending.
BUT, I do not have the camera cable. .,.
So,you will have to put up with a post about my winter in Nelson, New Zealand.
Just down the road from our rented house is the very best fish shop in the world....GUYTONS........
We can see the fishing boats come in, laden with all kinds of fish I have never heard of....Blue Warehou, Butterfish ,Hoki, Gunard and tons more. All as fresh as fresh can be.
The staff are terrific, recipes provide, lovely smoked fish too.
Can't wait to go back next year.