13 October 2017

closing up

Time to close our summer cabin for the winter.

Its been a good,if short year.

The geese are already flying south.

The nights and early mornings are getting too cold,

even though we have plenty of firewood.

This tree was blown over in a storm, I think the squirrels were living inside the trunk.

See you next year


  1. I feel sad. We never had a proper summer this year (if you don't count the couple of weeks recently) and I feel cheated. It must be hard to close up but at least it will be waiting for you in the spring.

  2. I'm sure there's a little sadness but next Summer will be here soon enough - the years seem to go by faster and faster. I can't believe it's almost time to think about Christmas already :/

    1. Thinking about Christmas is not on the cards yet....I have a month in London to plan!!

    2. Ooh! A whole month! Are you staying with family?

    3. renting a flat for 4 weeks,then a week with my sister in Kent.

  3. That first photo is fabulous! I can understand your sadness at closing up the cabin for yet another year. The way time seems to fly, it will soon be Summer again. xxx

    1. thanks PP. You are right, time does fly these days


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