06 October 2016

Gooseberry Jam

Gooseberries from our garden are frozen till I have time to make jam, as in last week.

Besides, the are much easier to top and tail-when frozen. 

 Skimming off the nasty scum.

  Finished product!

 So satisfying.


  1. Don't often see gooseberries around these here parts. I could murder a gooseberry crumble with a big dollop of double cream - also a rarity. We (by which I mean 'he') made a batch of apricot jam this year which is lovely on toast and also useful for glazes, etc. but there is a satisfaction in seeing your home made produce lining the shelves isn't there?

    1. The gooseberries we get are small, not the big desert goosegogs. They are a bit of a fiddle.

    2. The gooseberries we get are small, not the big desert goosegogs. They are a bit of a fiddle.

  2. I love gooseberries: in jam, pies, you name it. We have them in our garden but unfortunately our crop wouldn't even make half a pot of jam ... xxx


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