18 February 2012

Murchison A & P

A fabulous day for the Murchison A & P. Murchison is a small, rural town  of about 500 that was 

celebrating its agricultural heritage. 

Arrived to find the sheep shearing in progress...


..these have yet to be sheared, but others have had their turn.

Before I settled in to watch the competition  I was distracted by the wood chopping contest, something I have never seen before,

 They even had a ladies chopping section that drew a good crowd of watchers.

 On to the gymkhana, all the contestants most beautifully turned out.

 Isn't she as pretty as a picture?

Onward to the produce....Beets could either be 3 of the round variety or 3 cylindrical. Rex Smith cleaned up here, as he did in parsnips, eschallots, peas, potatoes and cucumbers!

 Handicrafts bought all sorts of knitting, smocking, felting, (this is New Zealand) handweaving, embroidery woodwork and hand spun wool. Jewel Lemon won lots of awards, she must have been knitting, spinning and weaving non-stop for the entire year.

 Kiwi Bloke's  challenge saw this pavlova win 1st prize, but they could have made dog biscuits too.

 Best flower in show, and lovely it was. The dahlias were outstanding also.

 Lots of winners...

 I must say I would not want to meet this bunch of determined mums in a dark alley!

 Another deserving winner, just love that brown outfit to match the pony.

 Everyone trots out their old tractors for display.

More to come....


  1. It looks like a great day was had by all. It takes a lot to beat a good country fair. Take care.

  2. Thanks for another glimpse into Kiwi Life. Keep 'em coming.

  3. Loving the yarn, specially the one that won first prize

  4. I love that you are just over the ditch in my part of the world right now...and capturing the Kiwis at their best. Love the report on the fresh produce grower's wins...

  5. This is just like our local shows at Lilydale and Whittlesea (on the outskirts of Melbourne). We also have wood chopping contests there and if I go with a girlfriend we shameless ogle the bulging muscles on the guys! But if I'm with hubby, well I just have to control myself.


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