back from the cottage, instead of showing you yet another mended quilt blowing on the line. I'm showing my wall of vintage
Pendleton shirts. ...greatly augmented by the
4 I bought a couple of weeks ago. I have over twenty now.

at least, I made a small amount of red currant jelly. Top one looks a bit leaky, but I'm sure its OK...love the color. The most satisfied sound in the world is the Bernadin lids 'popping' I do all my jamming and preserving in the country as that is where I am most relaxed...plus the equipment lives there.

The day after Thursday, that is meant to be
Hermes day!!....so, two more. Actually Hermes are not always my favorite scarves...I just love the thrill of the hunt. now at about 50. The ones I currently love are the very vintage
English paisley with two selvedge edges
Shall I start showing my interesting
Jacqmar scarves..?.lots from the 50s. No point in having Liberty scarf day...that would never end!
Oh yum on the red currant jelly! Made me wish I had some to put on a warm piece of toast. *rubbing* belly. :)