Our first few days at our summer cabin on a small island in the Georgian Bay in 2011. It was 30 degrees (humid x 39) when we arrived on Tuesday evening, and 3 degrees at night on Thursday....what a climate!!

A vintage point blanket being aired and acting as a windbreak.

Get used to this...my mending for the week.
40s/50s whole cloth juvenile quilt...animal print with rather primitive machine quilting. The binding was very frayed, so I removed it and trimmed the bat and folded the blue border to the back to bind. Not perfect, but good enough.
Soaked in a bucket and hung out to dry in the Ontario sunshine.

Oliver, on his first trip up north...he finds another use for a
Pendleton shirt from my

and models his first life jacket.

Here he is, with his Nana,(me) sitting round the fire in the evening.