31 May 2011

Look what I found

A little tour of the thrifts yesterday tipped up this delightful depression era quilt, lots of pretty feedsacking , not much wrong with it except some dirty marks on the back.

I have not looked up the name of this block yet, Barbara Brackman, here I come.

A 30s printed feedsack, have not found a proper one for a few months.

and although I do not often buy clothing I just had to have this Mollie Parnis label....actually, I don't particularly like this 70's long pistachio chiffon number, in excellent condition. I shall save it for the vintage textile and clothing show in October.

Lastly I found 10 (yes ten) vintage Pendleton shirts to add to my collection. How come it took me 15 years to find 20? and now I have found 15 in 3 months?


  1. I'd love to go where you go to find these things...great scouting!

  2. The quilt is amazing! Scarlett x

  3. Gorgeous quilt Jan.

    Thanks for the explanation, its funny because Australians don't drink Foster, its terrible, and we shudder at the thought of it, shear embarrassment..,hahaha

  4. Lovely quilt and how lucky to find all those shirts..

  5. Thanks for your comment, slow going but I will get there, not enough hours in the day! N

  6. you are right, the label is amazing, love it.

  7. Bonjour Jan, I've been without my computer but does this mean you are home and back from your fantabulous, fantastic,France sojourn?

    Love the quilts and the greenish-yellow shade of that dress is wonderful. I see some plum accessories with it.

  8. such pretty colours on that quilt.


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