28 February 2016

shOpping in Nelson

It's always a pleasure to go shopping in Nelson, NZ!!!!

Here are some of my favorite shops.

As usual I managed to spend a  small fortune, but I did have to replenish some stock for my travelling etsy shop.

St Vincent de Paul always sells the best vintage buttons.

Some vintage patterns ( looks like an old flame of mine) and some 4 ply wool were picked up. I do indeed,  fancy knitting a mens 1930s waistcoat or vest with this.

This old needle case is very worn, but that is part of its charm, and it is  the only one I have ever seen with the needle numbers stamped on.
 The original owner must have been a champion knitter.

Off to the North Island tomorrow - cant wait to see what goodies are in store for me there.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Glad to see you're keeping the charity (thrift) stores going. Your old flame must have been a handsome bloke! I'd be interested to see if you can find one willing to wear a knitted bright yellow waistcoat though. Photographic evidence will be required!

    1. It will only show a bit under a snappy jacket.

  3. Oh, I love this sort of outing, too! That needle case is especially wonderful!

  4. It's always fun to see what goodies you manage to find on your thrifting sojourns. (btw - suspect the comment from'Legal' just might be spam)


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